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Man jailed 14 years for impregnating daughter in Bayelsa



Justice D.E. Adokeme of the Bayelsa State High Court, Yenagoa, has sentenced a 41-year-old man, Baridapsi Needam, to 14 years imprisonment for impregnating his daughter.

The victim gave birth to a baby girl during the trial.

The Bayelsa State government arraigned the convict for rape.

The prosecution counsel, Pere Amanda Egbuson, told the court that investigations revealed that the defendant started abusing his daughter when she was seven years old.

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Egbuson said Needam defiled the girl by inserting his fingers into her private part before having carnal knowledge of her in 2020.

In his ruling, Justice Adokeme said the prosecution led credible evidence and made reference to the DNA result which revealed that the convict is the father of the child.

He sentenced the defendant to 14 years imprisonment.

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