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Two workers rescued from Abuja collapsed building



At least two persons have been rescued from a collapsed building in Abuja.

The acting Director-General of the Federal Capital Territory Emergency Management Department (FEMD), Mrs. Florence Wenegiemewho, disclosed this in a statement on Saturday in Abuja.

She said the incidents occurred at 6:45 p.m. on Friday at Close 10, Drive 5, Second Gate of Prince and Princess Estate, Gudu District of Abuja.

The FEMD boss added that the agency activated the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and the FCT Fire Service immediately it received a distress call about the building collapse.

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The DG, who was accompanied to the scene by the Director, the Department of Development Control, Mr. Mukhtar Galadima, explained that the collapsed building was a duplex under construction.

“However, two persons in the detached bungalow behind the building were trapped by the rubbles from the collapsed building.

“The trapped workers were rescued by the FEMD Search and Rescue Team who cut through the window protectors and pulled them out,” she said.

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