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AKK gas pipeline inches closer to completion with Q1 2025 target



The Ajaokuta-Kaduna-Kano (AKK) gas pipeline project has received a positive update from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

During a visit to the project site alongside government ministers on Friday, NNPC Group Chief Executive Officer Mele Kyari announced they were on track for completion by the first quarter of 2025.

According to a statement signed by the Chief Corporate Communications Officer
NNPC Limited, Olufemi Soneye, made available on its X account on Friday, Kyari explained that major segments of the job had been completed.

“Without promising too much, we assure you that this project will be delivered on schedule. Our mission is to work towards delivering it by December this year. But we are confident this project will be delivered by the first quarter of 2025,” Kyari informed the three visiting Ministers.

The three ministers who visited the Project Site were: Minister of Finance / Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Mr. Wale Edun; Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mr. Mohammed Idris, and Minister of State for Petroleum Resources (Gas), Ekperikpe Ekpo.

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The 614-kilometer pipeline, designed to deliver natural gas from southern production centers to major cities in northern Nigeria, has faced previous delays.

Initial targets for completion were set for 2023. However, Kyari emphasized significant progress has been made, putting them back on schedule for the revised timeframe.

The AKK pipeline is a critical piece of infrastructure with the potential to significantly impact Nigeria’s economic landscape. By providing a reliable gas supply for power generation in the north, it could increase electricity output by an estimated 3.6 gigawatts.

This boost in power generation could have a ripple effect, stimulating economic activity and development across the region. Additionally, the pipeline is expected to unlock opportunities for gas-based industries to flourish along its route, creating jobs and further diversifying the Nigerian economy.

While Kyari’s comments paint a promising picture, Nigeria has a history of infrastructure project delays. Several factors, including unforeseen logistical challenges or budgetary constraints, could still push back the completion date.

Despite this, the AKK pipeline appears to be making substantial strides, and stakeholders will be closely monitoring progress in the coming months to see if the ambitious Q1 2025 target can be achieved.

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