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British national who allegedly hacked dozens of US firms arrested in Spain



Security operatives in Spain have confirmed the arrest of a British national who has been accused of being the ring leader of a group that hacked dozens of US companies.

Spanish police confirmed in a news release that the unnamed 22-year-old British national, who was going to depart the nation on a charter flight to Naples, was detained at Palma airport.

In a statement made public on Tuesday, the Spanish police claimed that the suspected hacker ringleader broke into at least 45 US organizations using passwords stolen through phishing schemes, allowing for the theft of cryptocurrency and confidential company data.

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The authorities claim that the suspected hacker, whose arrest was captured in a video shared on YouTube, had $27 million in bitcoin when he was taken into custody.

The accused person and the cybercrime organization he allegedly headed were not identified by Spanish police.

It was gathered that the arrested person is the purported leader of the group that planned the hacks against Twilio in 2022.

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