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NAF clarifies drone, not helicopter, crashed in Kaduna



The Nigerian Air Force ( NAF) has clarified earlier reports on the air mishap in Kaduna State.

In a statement released on Monday by its Director of Information and Public Relations, Air Vice Marshal Ibikunle Daramola Gabkwet, the NAF clarified that the aircraft involved was an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), commonly known as a drone.

Reports had emerged that a NAF helicopter crashed near Rumji Village, Igabi local government area of Kaduna in the early hours of Monday morning.

READ ALSO:NAF helicopter crashes in Kaduna

The NAF spokesman said the UAV “experienced a mishap after take-off for a mission.”

Gabkwet said: “A NAF Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) experienced a mishap after take-off for a mission, at a location near Rumji Village and about 15 Km from Base. Since it is an unmanned vehicle, there were no casualties on board or on the ground.

“preliminary investigation has since commenced to ascertain what may have caused the mishap. Nigerians can rest assured that this minor setback will not, in any way, impinge on all ongoing operations.”

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