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NCoS dismisses three officers for misconduct



The Nigerian Correctional Service (NCoS) has dismissed three officers and sanctioned others for misconduct.

The Service Public Relations Officer, Abubakar Umar, an Assistant Controller of Corrections (ACC), disclosed this in a statement on Thursday in Abuja.

Umar said that the service, to maintain a high standard of discipline and professionalism, reviewed various cases of unprofessional conduct of affected staff.

He said the cases were that of gross negligence of duty, absence without leave, trafficking in illicit items, and general inefficiency.

The spokesman added that 20 personnel were discharged and acquitted.

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Umar said: “This is for the various offences which they were accused of; while one officer who was previously suspended was reinstated after the review exercise.

“Also, a total of three personnel were compulsorily retired, six personnel had their ranks reduced, while 13 personnel attracted either verbal or plain warning.

“These sanctions are in line with the zero tolerance on staff misconduct, a cardinal mantra of the Controller General of Corrections, Haliru Nababa, and targeted towards ridding the Service of unscrupulous elements and misfits.

“This is to improve professionalism as well as to entrench discipline, ethics, and excellence in its officers and men.”

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