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Reps summon AGIP over $80m debt to contractor



The House of Representatives Committee on Public Petition on Thursday summoned AGIP Oil Company over alleged non-payment of N80 million owed to De Cooon Services Limited.

The chairman of the committee, Michael Etaba, gave the directive at an investigative hearing in Abuja.

He expressed displeasure over the non-payment and non-appearance of AGIP at Thursday’s hearing and ordered the company to appear before the committee on June 26.

De Coon is an indigenous company run by Prof. Nelson Onubogu.

The lawmaker described as unfortunate Agip’s refusal to pay the company for a job well done.

READ ALSO: Reps ask EFCC to retrieve stolen NDDC money from officials, contractors

He stressed it was time for Nigerians to take themselves seriously.

Speaking on the issue, a member of the committee, Matthew Nwogwu, said that the non-appearance of AGIP was disrespectful.

He said: “It’s unfortunate that people who are supposed to be accountable to Nigerians are not.

“When a committee like this is mandated by the constitution to handle issues concerning the lives of Nigerians, it summons an organisation but the refusal should call for worry.

“I don’t know who is protecting who but no one is above the law; the only people who have immunity are the governor and President.

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