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Shehu Sani decries neglect of public schools in north



A former Senator representing Kaduna Central, Shehu Sani, has decried the poor state of public schools in the northern part of Nigeria.

Sani, who spoke at the 40th anniversary of Government Science College, Kagara, expressed fears of an imminent collapse of public schools in the region if the situation continued.

The event was organised by the Kagara Old Boys Association (KAGOBA), Class of 1984 in Minna, Niger State, on Saturday.

The ex-lawmaker recalled that public schools used to be the best as they had teachers and lecturers from within and outside of the country.

He said: “It is unfortunate that today, some of the public schools that produced the best people in the history of this country, are not what they used to be.

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“In our days in schools, we had teachers from Pakistan, India, Canada and Egypt. Those teachers produced professors, doctors, engineers, senators, captains of industries, and army generals, among others.

“What public schools have become today is a disaster. The North must take education seriously.”

He lamented that the activities of bandits and terrorists had destroyed all educational fabrics in northern Nigeria.

Sani expressed dismay that GSC Kagara which had produced some of the best professionals in the country was now desolate and deserted due to the bandits’ attack where students were abducted.

He, however, supported the relocation of the school to Minna in the meantime, adding that security has improved under President Bola Tinubu’s administration.

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