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Tesla’s Gen 2 Optimus to become first robot babysitter on market



Tech billionaire Elon Musk is working to ensure that Tesla’s new Gen 2 Optimus becomes the first robot babysitter on the market.

Interesting Engineering claims in a report that the Tesla Optimus Gen 2, the most recent model, has several notable improvements over the Gen 1.

With 22 degrees of freedom, the humanoid robot can do a wide range of dexterous tasks. Tesla has demonstrated these developments in advertising videos similar to the widely shared Atlas footage from Boston Dynamics.

Musk has proposed that a large language model (LLM) such as Chat-GPT be integrated into Optimus so the robot can converse with its owner.

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Musk went into more detail about his “companion” ambition for the robot at Tesla’s 2024 annual shareholder meeting in Austin, Texas.

“It’s, you know, your companion, it can be at your house, it can babysit your kids, it could be a teacher. It, you know, it can do factory stuff. Who doesn’t want a C3PO?

” You know, but a C3PO plus R2D2 plus, you know, plus plus. It would be pretty awesome. I think everyone in the world is going to want one. Literally everyone,” Musk said.

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