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U.S. sanctions UAE shipping companies transporting Iranian fuel



The United States has imposed sanctions on three United Arab Emirates (UAE) shipping companies involved in the Iranian petroleum and petrochemical trade.

The Department of State also identified 11 vessels that were transporting petroleum or petrochemical products as blocked property.

The targeted companies are Sea Route Ship Management FZE, Almanac Ship Management LLC, and Al Anchor Ship Management FZE.

The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, confirmed the development in a statement on Friday in Washington.

He said Washington remains committed to never letting Iran obtain a nuclear weapon, and is prepared to use all elements of national power to ensure that outcome.

READ ALSO: Three US Senators move to halt Trump’s $23bn arms sale to UAE

“Iran’s actions to increase its enrichment capacity are more concerned in Iran’s continued failure to cooperate with the IAEA and statements by Iranian officials suggesting potential changes to Iran’s nuclear doctrine,” Blinken stated.

Over the past month, Iran has announced steps to further expand its nuclear programme in ways that have no credible peaceful purpose.

The leaders of the G7 had earlier this month asked Iran to stop the escalation of its nuclear programme.

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